Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Necron Awakening part 2

Back again with more grueling LED work on my buddies monolith.  So after I had gotten the base to a good stopping point. I wanted to work on the top housing part for the crystal.  After a little bit of testing I decided to go with 2 LED's in the top.  For output and to keep my LED count 12 so I wouldn't have to add any resistors.

After that I decided to go back to the base and work on the wiring and LED housing.  I used hot glue to tack the 9v wires down so they couldn't be pulled off.  Made some walls using the same foam core method that I used for the back LED's shooting at the front door.

A bit more soldering work and I was ready to test the first 2 parallel circuit.  So far so good.

At this point I was pretty excited everything seemed like it was working out just the way I had wanted with no really complications.  But like always its never that easy.  So I started working on the side panels.  Adding some foil to help keep the light consecrated on the points out of the monolith.

I should have done some testing before I installed the LED's for the side walls.  Cause if I had I would have known that there wasn't enough throw distance from the source to the tubes for me to be able to hit all of them.  But I didn't so I kept barreling through.  I finished working on the crystal and top panel before I realized my mistake.

At this point it was pretty late at night so I decided to just admire what I had got done, wallow in self pity, and finish watching Starship Troopers.

When I finally got back to the monolith I had some time to think.  Realizing I needed more throw distance.  I figured if I removed the side walls that were housing the LED's and turned them around so that they would have the proper distance to hit all 3 tubes.  I used tooth picks and hot glued them into place. Next I glued the LED's themselves onto the sticks.  There was some tricky soldering involved but I was able to pull it off.

It wasn't very pretty on the inside but the final result was amazing.

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