Welcome to the first Hobby Progress Weekly, a new weekly series where our contributors show one or two teaser pics of what they are currently working on (or whatever happens to be collecting dust on their table!).
Typically these posts will happen on Monday, but no better way to start a new segment than to be late!
Jack has been hard at work on a Genestealer Cult commission! Looks grimacing!
I hope that Magus doesn't have the Force Choke power...
Nathan has been putting some work into his Iron Hands. I really like the red leather to help break the monotonous mostly-monochromatic scheme of the 10th legion. Sweet looking Lightning Claws too!
Papa Steve doing what Papa Steve does best. Instilling a viscious amount of Chaos warp into our lives. This picture of his traitor militia command is only a teaser of what horrors are to come.
Rob has some new Solar Auxilia goodies soaking for a proper good cleaning! Looks to be about 3 Quad Mortars, an Arvis Lighter, and 2 Dracosans. That's some serious seriousness.
Well, that's all we have for now! Hopefully we will see even more hobby goodness next week!