Friday, April 29, 2016

New Releases: Tylos Rubio

Grey Knight fans rejoice! One of your founding members (allegedly) will be for sale sooner than you think! If you make it out to Warhammer Fest you can get it before anyone else!

Tylos Rubio was a prominent member of the Ultramarines at Calth, so naturally there is a dead Gal Vorbak at his feet! BOOOOO!! However, it's nice to finally see what a heresy librarian looks like! :)

New Releases: Solar Auxilia Surgeon-Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Necron Awakening part 2

Back again with more grueling LED work on my buddies monolith.  So after I had gotten the base to a good stopping point. I wanted to work on the top housing part for the crystal.  After a little bit of testing I decided to go with 2 LED's in the top.  For output and to keep my LED count 12 so I wouldn't have to add any resistors.

After that I decided to go back to the base and work on the wiring and LED housing.  I used hot glue to tack the 9v wires down so they couldn't be pulled off.  Made some walls using the same foam core method that I used for the back LED's shooting at the front door.

A bit more soldering work and I was ready to test the first 2 parallel circuit.  So far so good.

At this point I was pretty excited everything seemed like it was working out just the way I had wanted with no really complications.  But like always its never that easy.  So I started working on the side panels.  Adding some foil to help keep the light consecrated on the points out of the monolith.

I should have done some testing before I installed the LED's for the side walls.  Cause if I had I would have known that there wasn't enough throw distance from the source to the tubes for me to be able to hit all of them.  But I didn't so I kept barreling through.  I finished working on the crystal and top panel before I realized my mistake.

At this point it was pretty late at night so I decided to just admire what I had got done, wallow in self pity, and finish watching Starship Troopers.

When I finally got back to the monolith I had some time to think.  Realizing I needed more throw distance.  I figured if I removed the side walls that were housing the LED's and turned them around so that they would have the proper distance to hit all 3 tubes.  I used tooth picks and hot glued them into place. Next I glued the LED's themselves onto the sticks.  There was some tricky soldering involved but I was able to pull it off.

It wasn't very pretty on the inside but the final result was amazing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hobby Progress Weekly: 4/25-4/29

Welcome to the first Hobby Progress Weekly, a new weekly series where our contributors show one or two teaser pics of what they are currently working on (or whatever happens to be collecting dust on their table!).

Typically these posts will happen on Monday, but no better way to start a new segment than to be late!

Jack has been hard at work on a Genestealer Cult commission! Looks grimacing!

I hope that Magus doesn't have the Force Choke power...

Nathan has been putting some work into his Iron Hands. I really like the red leather to help break the monotonous mostly-monochromatic scheme of the 10th legion. Sweet looking Lightning Claws too!

Papa Steve doing what Papa Steve does best. Instilling a viscious amount of Chaos warp into our lives. This picture of his traitor militia command is only a teaser of what horrors are to come. 

Rob has some new Solar Auxilia goodies soaking for a proper good cleaning! Looks to be about 3 Quad Mortars, an Arvis Lighter, and 2 Dracosans. That's some serious seriousness. 

Well, that's all we have for now! Hopefully we will see even more hobby goodness next week!


Monday, April 25, 2016

New Releases: Summer of Flyers 2.0!

Well, it looks like it's the summer of flyers again! Check it out! I hope they bring back a revamped version of the dogfighting system! WAAAAAAGGGHHH!

It looks like the mek boyz got ahold of this one! Complete with a KFF and a Smasha Gun!!! That's some proper lootin'!

That's some good dakka, for a stinkin' space marine, I guess...

Friday, April 22, 2016

New Releases: Space Wolves!

They're here! They're finally here! Not that I want them personally, but it's a nice feeling knowing that ALL 18 legions have upgrades available and nobody is aesthetically left in the dark.

Check it out!