Thursday, January 26, 2017

Legion Rising: Rhinos and Blitz!

Howdy folks!

I've been foolishly working on my Black Legion instead of preparing my Word Bearers for STIF3 and thought I would show off some of the work I've done.

Chaos Lord of the Hounds of Abaddon, three Obliterators and a random tactical just chillin'.

Standard Tactical Rhino

More to come!


Monday, January 23, 2017



Inferno is here!!! Well, sorta... But it's closer than it's ever been! Forge World announced today via-Warhammer-Community that Inferno is ON THE WAY!

We could see preorders as soon as Friday!  I'm sure Tristan is running around the house doing kart-wheels!

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Mustering: Word Bearers - 2500 - Last of the Serrated Suns

Howdy folks!

I am currently working on my latest Word Bearers list for the forthcoming South Texas in Flames 3 event in Victoria, TX!

I knew going into this that I wanted to do a Last of the Serrated Suns list. Gal'Vorbak + Drop Pods = HELL YES! Unfortunately, I was too late in reserving Lorgar for the event (0-1 Primarchs), so Serrated Suns was my go to back up.

Before we look at my list, let's talk about what the Rite of War actually grants the army.


  • Company of Monsters: Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren may be taken as Troops in a Primary Detachment using this Rite of War. All units of Gal Vorbak have access to Legion Drop Pods and Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pods as Dedicated Transports, and must take one of these options.
  • Drop Elite: Any unit with access to a Rhino armoured transport as a Dedicated Transport may instead take a Legion Drop Pod.
  • Burning Sun: Enemy units within 12" of the landing point of a Deep Striking Legion Drop Pod or Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod must take a Pinning test after the vehicle’s final position is determined.


  • All infantry units in the army must deploy via a Deep Striking Drop Pod, by teleportation if such an option is available or be transported inside a Flyer that has sufficient Transport capacity to carry them.
  • The army may not include any Immobile units.
  • The army may not include a Fortification Detachment or an Allied Detachment.

As you can see, it creates a very unique army list that brings a lot to the table. Company of Monsters makes GV troops, which is pretty nice, but most army lists can't afford to bring more than a 2-3 units, unless it's ALL you want to take. Forcing the GV to take a pod is somewhat of a tax considering they all have Deep Strike. However, they supplement this by allowing them to take Dreadclaws, a solid assault vehicle that can really give your GV not only a new heightened level of security, but the ability to roast dudes foolish enough to stick around the thin.

The real winner of a rule in my opinion is Burning Sun. EVERY enemy unit with 12" of a pod must take a pinning test after the vehicle's final position is determined. This means that you drop a pod, force X amount of pinning tests and then move on to the next pod! You can make multiple enemy units take multiple pinning tests before your turn truly begins! Even just one unit taking a pinning test is a YUGE advantage, especially for your units cruisin' around in Legion Drop Pods. Pinning that nearby unit that could counter-assault you next turn can be game changing!

As great as Burning Sun is, it is only one trick. This list requires a bit of finesse and will definitely run into some problems against mass infantry assault lists, I feel. Hopefully, my list will answer some of these issues. While not perfect counters, it will definitely help soften the blow.

Word Bearers
Rite of War: Last of the Serrated Suns
Points: 2500
Detachment: Age of Darkness

  • Hol Beloth (Warlord/MoL)
  • Chaplain - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Thunderhammer, Meltabombs
  • 10 Legion Veteran Squad (Machine Killers) - Legion Drop Pod, x2 Meltagun, x3 Combi-melta, Artificer (sgt), Power Fist (sgt)
  • 10 Legion Veteran Squad (Machine Killers) - Legion Drop Pod, x2 Meltagun, x3 Combi-melta, Artificer (sgt), Power Fist (sgt)
  • 5 Gal'Vorbak Dark Brethren - Legion Dreadclaw, Meltagun, Artificer Armour (sgt), Power Fist (sgt)
  • 5 Gal'Vorbak Dark Brethren - Legion Dreadclaw, Meltagun, Artificer Armour (sgt), Power Fist (sgt)
  • 10 Legion Tactical Support Squad - Legion Drop Pod, x9 Flamers, Artificer Armour (sgt), Power Fist (sgt)
  • 8 Legion Heavy Support Squad - Legion Drop Pod, x7 Heavy Flamers, Artificer (sgt)
  • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Grav-flux Bombard, Leviathan Siege Drill, x2 Heavy Flamers, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger

During the Great Crusade, the Word Bearers were known for purging any anti-imperial monuments and history with fire and flame. After Monarchia, the heat turned up... Purgation squads became... well... let's say... over-used. The Emperor wanted compliance, and the Word Bearers brought it...

This is in effect what I wanted to theme my Serrated Suns list around. While there are no Ashen Circle in the list, I wanted it themed around the desecration of cultures through the glory of the Word of Lorgar. Thus, I have brought lots of melta and flame.

In a few earlier orginations of this this list, I ran a little light on melta and had a hard time peeling dudes out of transports, handling spartans, etc. I knew I had to step up the AT game. Two units of Machine Killer melta vets in a DP should do the trick. S9 Melta will make even the armoured ceramite players sweat a little. 

After I built the melta squads, I knew I had to have a way to handle the guys inside. At first I considered plasma squads, but found I was running out of points way to quickly and it was messing with my drop pod manipulation numbers. I decided to go for flamers. Cheap and deadly.  A 10 man support squad and a Heavy Support squad with flamers and heavy flamers was something I could definitely get behind (Did Ian have something to do with this? hmmm...). Ideally the melta squads would pop transports early in the game and the flamer squads would come in later and begin roasting anyone footslogging it.

Meanwhile, the Gal Vorbak drop in, cause pinning tests, burn people with their Dreadclaws and sit tight, waiting for their opportunity to assault. I stuck a melta gun in each unit in case the vet squads can't quite get it done. In my second play test of the list, one unit of GV hopped out of the Dreadclaw turn 2, moved 6", popped a rhino with a meltagun, and charged everyone inside. It was pretty brutal. both Dark Martyr's have a S10 Ap2 Power Fist with 5 attacks on the charge. Sweet jeebus.

Lastly, I wanted to bring my big poppa bear Leviathan Seige dreadnought. The Dreadnought Pod contributes to pod manipulation and definitely helps with his short range on the Grav-Flux (18"). A Dreadnought Pod also being an assault vehicle and open topped means the Levi can shoot the turn he comes down while chillin' inside, and then assault out on his second turn in play. Lots of fun!

As for HQ's, I wanted to bring Hol Beloth and of course the mandatory Chaplain/Centurion per the Charismatic Leadership rule. Hol Beloth is a BEAST. He took on Vulkan for THREE rounds before finally biting the dust. Granted, he only did like 2 wounds to Vulkan who then regenerated one of them back via-It Will Not Die. But that was THREE turns of Vulkan NOT smashing the rest of my force! Beloth's ability to shrug off the first wound he takes (even if it would result in Instant Death) is YUUUUGE. The Chaplain does what chaplains do best. Zealot. This time, however, I elected to take a Thunderhammer in place of the traditional Crozius. HAMMERTIME! Man... melta, flame, thunderhammers... am I playing Salamanders?! 

Both HQ's will hang out in the Heavy Support squad. I dare anyone to charge that unit... DO IT!

Well, there it is! That's the list! It will either crush face, or I'm going to get rocked every game!  But who cares! It's not a perfect list, but it will cause problems and that's all I am going for. Make my opponent sweat and capitalize on mistakes.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Act of Witnessing: Lorgar Aurelian, The Urizen, The Golden, The Voice of Truth

Howdy folks!

Just wanted to show off my Lorgar Aurelian! I completed him back in early October but never got around to posting him. Surprisingly an easy model to paint and TONS of fun! Kind of makes me want to paint a few more primarchs.... oh dear...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Legion Rising: The Despoiler Himself

Howdy folks,

I just wanted to give a little hobby progress update on Abaddon the Despoiler! He is almost done! Just a few more highlights here and details there. I originally took this photo while trying to compare base rim colors. Ultimately I decided on a Eshin Grey which is less blue than Abaddon's base (Dark Reaper) but darker than the marine on the right (Skavenblight Dinge).

Can't wait to finish him and his retinue of terminators up and get them on the table!


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hobby Progress Weekly 1/15/2017

Hodwy folks an Happy New Year!

The Desperate Allies have a new years resolution! To be better about sharing our adventures! So let's get started!

I myself and working on both my Black Legion and my Word Bearers (30k). As I work towards my South Texas in Flames 3 (STIF3) list, I am also making great headway on Black Legion army! Currently I building Word Bearers Veterans and painting Word Bearers Dread Claws and Black Legion Terminators!

Word Bearers Veterans with lots of Machine Killer Melta!

Word Bearers Dreadclaws. A nice ride for my Gal Vorbak.

Abaddon and his Bringers of Despair!

Ian is starting a new and exciting project this year as well! He and his brother Tristan are working a brand new city table! From what I they have told me, it's going to be quite the table. TONS of line of sight blocking terrain, mysterious alleyways, and other dark secrets from the scum filled hives of the Imperium! Rumor also has it that there will be some tyranid infestation too...  *gulp*

Oh nice! They are starting their city table with the Sector Imperialis board! AWESOME!

Wait a second... what are you doing with that?


Nathan is working on his Imperial Triumvirate! I spoke with Nathan a few days ago and had a good chat about the functionality and possibilities with the new Imperial Formations and Detachments. It's going to be really neat to see his Guard, Minotaurs, and Knights all part of one legal detachment!

Man what a beast of a model Cawl is... 

Alongside working with Ian on the city table, Tristan is hard at work on his 30k Space Wolves! Hopefully we will have some pictures soon!

No idea what Steve is up to, unfortunately...

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Mustering - Black Legion - 2500pts - The Black Fist

Before the new year began, I was furiously building lists trying to figure out what direction I wanted to start in with my Black Legion. I knew eventually, like my Orks, I would have 1-3 of everything and the list building potential would literally be infinite. 

I wanted to make use of the Black Legion Speartip rules as well as the pinnacle units associate with the Black Legion; Chosen & Terminators.

I really liked the the synergy of the Speartip's ability to Turn 1 Deep Strike an The Terminator Annihilation Force's ability to shoot twice. Not only that, your first shooting attack is initiated as soon as the scatter result is rolled, THEN you roll for the next unit. This is pretty great as you are able to see the result of the first unit before deciding where to place the next unit. When you run a lot of combi-melta like I do, this is money!

Lastly, I wanted to take a Sorcerer to play with the new powers and you can't have a 2500pt Black Legion list with out daddy Abaddon himself! 

Here is my 2500 point list that I am currently building towards at the moment.




Abaddon the Despoiler

The Rapturous Progeny (Terminators) - Mark of Slaanesh
Terminator 01 – Chainfist, Combi-melta
Terminator 02 – Power Fist, Combi-melta
Terminator 03 – Power Axe, Combi-melta
Terminator 04 – Power Fist, Combi-plasma
Terminator 05 – Power Maul, Combi-flamer
Terminator 06 – Power Sword, Combi-bolter, Icon of Excess
Terminator 07 – Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon
Terminator Champion – Power Fist, Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation



Kraa’sh Hatebound (Chaos Lord) - Mark of Khorne, Juggernaut of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury, BP, Sigil of Corruption (4++), Gift of Mutation
The Skullfiends (Chaos Bikers) – Mark of Khorne 
Biker 01
Biker 02
Biker Champion – Power Fist, Gift of Mutation

Bringers of Decay (Chosen) – Mark of Nurgle
Chosen 01 – Meltagun
Chosen 02 - Meltagun
Chosen 03 – Meltagun
Chosen 04 – Power Fist
Chosen Champion – Power Fist, Gift of Mutation
Chaos Rhino – Dirge Caster, Dozer Blades, Havoc Launcher

Children of Torment (Chosen) – Mark of Slaanesh

Chosen 01 – Meltagun
Chosen 02 - Meltagun
Chosen 03 – Power Sword
Chosen 04 – Power Axe, Icon of Excess
Chosen Champion – Power Sword, Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation
Chaos Rhino – Dirge Caster, Dozer Blades, Havoc Launcher

Horkan the Ancient (Helbrute) – Power Fist, Multi-melta

Hounds of Abaddon (Terminators)- Mark of Khorne
Terminator 01 – Dual Lightning Claw
Terminator 02 – Dual Lightning Claw
Terminator 03 - Dual Lightning Claw, Icon of Wrath
Terminator 04 - Dual Lightning Claw
Terminator Champion – Chainfist, Combi-melta



Lord Zartherion, The Finger of Tzeentch - Mark of Tzeentch, Force Stave, Burning Brand of Skalathrax

Brethren of Bile Terminators (Terminators)- Mark of Nurgle
Terminator 01 – Chainfist, Combi-melta
Terminator 02 – Power Fist, Combi-melta
Terminator Champion – Power Axe, Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation

The Ecstatic Seizures (Terminators) - Mark of Slaanesh
Terminator 01 – Chainfist, Combi-melta
Terminator 02 – Power Fist, Combi-melta, Icon of Excess
Terminator Champion – Power Sword, Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation

Sons of the Cyclops (Terminators) - Mark of Tzeentch
Terminator 01 – Chainfist, Combi-flamer
Terminator 02 – Power Fist, Combi-flamer
Terminator Champion – Power Sword, Combi-flamer, Gift of Mutation 



Wednesday, January 11, 2017


It's 2017! And with a new year I usually start a new project. Sometimes I focus on what I have and other times I start new armies! 2017 is no different!

One of my first 40k armies was a Chaos Night Lords army. I really liked the aesthetics of the Night Lords and wanted to play them in a fluffy manner. I elected not to take marks of chaos, ran as many raptors as I could, and steered clear from anything with the Daemon special rule. In the end, I didn't have a lot of fun. I was limiting myself to the potential of the Chaos Space Marines Codex. It was is if I was purposely neutering myself to an already widely considered 'underpowered' codex.

So, I started running them with Blood Angels rules. Assault Marines as troops was a night fit for the Night Lords. Sadly, I felt like I was playing Blood Angels and not Night Lords. The army itself just wasn't working for me, so I sold it. Not 6 months later, 7 edition came out with Unbound rules allowing me to play the army I wanted to play...whoops. Oh well...

So, I let it go and continued playing my Orks and my Dark Angels. Along the way in 7th edition, I started my Dark Eldar army (which I LOVE) and then jumped into the 30k scene. And while I am playing Word Bearers during the Horus Heresy, I still had an itch for a pure 40k Chaos army. What to do, what to do... 


Last September I started pulling out some old Chaos Marine kits from my old army that I never built and come to realize that I still had enough to get me started again. Huzzah! But who to play?

The Night Lords? Nah... While I enjoy their fluff and color scheme, they weren't really the play style I wanted to do. Plus, been there, done that. Time to move on!

Death GuardEmperor's Children? World Eaters? Thousand Sons? While I love all four of these very much, I didn't want to commit to one god in the pantheon. I like options and if I am going to embrace the taint of chaos, I want to do it undivided. With that being said, I wouldn't mind doing a few warbands with said gods, but more on that later.

Iron Warriors? I had thought about this one pretty hard. I think it would have been a really fun army to build, especially with lots of renegade guard and artillery tanks. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough in the 40k fluff and rules to sell me on this. Perhaps I will build a single warband list later to scratch my itch, if it is still there.

Alpha Legion? Another one I considered. However, it doesn't really fit me as and my personae. While they have cool infiltration tactics and what not, they don't really inspire me on a grand army scale. They definitely feel like a small insurgency force type army in 40k. Much like the Iron Warriors, perhaps a small warband later on down the road. 

Word Bearers?! Oh man oh man, did I want to do this. But it didn't feel right building a SECOND Word Bearers army. While the conversion opportunities are truly limitless and there is nothing I love more than embracing the full extent of Chaos, I didn't want to tire myself out with yet another red army (30k Word Bearers & Dark Eldar). Probably tackle these guys later with a warband or two.

The Black Legion Now we're talkin'. The baddest of the bad! The big boy pants! Abaddon is one bad mother f...(SHUT YO MOUTH!) I like the paint scheme, they are RICH with fluff, they have a named character for me to use, and I can embrace EVERYTHING about Chaos. In addition, it completely makes sense for me to have smaller warbands of other legions tagging a long. It was perfect! Not only that, I want my Chaos army to be my second Apocalypse sized army (behind Orks), and with Chaos Titans available through Forgeworld, it seemed so right!  Plus I love Chosen and Terminators! EXCELSIOR!

Once I had made my decisions, the construction began! Not only that, a few months later, the Traitor Legions supplement came out, giving me TONS of options and ideas! It has been a lot of fun building thematic lists and playtesting them here and there.

As of January 1st, I have begun applying paint to The Black Legion and it has been a blast! Who know black and gold was so much fun?!

Get ready! Because the Black Legion isn't just coming to Cadia! Lots of updates on the way! WOO!

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Act of Witnessing - Zardu Layak, "The Crimson Apostle" and his Blade Slaves

Zardu Layak and his blade slaves are not only one my favorite Age of Darkness kits, but they have so much flavor to narrative gaming! I have used Zardu thrice in narrative events and a handful of times in friendly games and man'o'man does he bring a lot to the table!

The ability to summon daemons with no penalty for doubles (Daemon!) is pretty fantastic! In my most recent outing, he successfully summoned Daemontettes, Bloodletters, and Plaguebearers in a single game! Granted, I lost the mission by 1, it put my opponent on the back foot and mad him second guess a lot of his decisions!

I've run him a couple times on his own and/or attached to a unit of Gal Vorbak in a Spartan, but I am a bit more keen on bringing his entourage. For 100 points, I bring quite the threat and some solid meatshields as well. I usually like to play midfield with them while taking cover within ruins. Gives me a lot of flexibility on where my Daemons need to go.

The one downside to using him in my current army is that I don't really run any Ashen Circle (soon!) which he makes troops. Oddly enough, this ability is actually his Warlord trait. Thus, I typically make my Chaplain my Warlord  for added benefit.
